Meet Our Techfest Louisville Committee for 2024!
We would like to introduce you to our Techfest Louisville Committee for our employer-led, non-profit tech council this year:
Techfest Co-Chair Dawn Yankeelov, CEO, Technology Association of Louisville KY, and President of Aspectx;
Techfest Co-Chair Bryan Eugene, Independent IT Consultant;
Eric Satterly, Chief Information Officer, Jefferson County Public Schools;
Brock Jamison, Vice President & Partner, Orion Networks;
Karlie Boarman, Enterprise Account Executive, Comcast;
Da-Wyone Haynes, VP of Business Development, Trusted AI;
Richard Connor, President, Lockstock;
Dan Lutes, Business Development Manager, Technology Consulting, Inc.;
Michael Newkirk, Senior Account Director, Patriot Talent Solutions;
Siddharth Patel, Founder, ReyInfoTech;
Chris Rittmuller, Senior Business Development Manager, Technology Consulting Inc.;
Doug Large, Enterprise Account Executive, Comcast Business